The critics of CSR believe, it is an escape window for unethical corporate houses. There are cases when a voice is raised against a certain product and they come up with charitable causes to distarct the customers. In certain cases, it's shown to increase the profit when the companies spread the word about their good deeds.
You watch adverts regularly. Can you say, corporate houses act responsibly when it comes to advertising? Yeah, they indulge in philanthropy, charitable causes and it’s evident through their websites. But in advertising, their main purpose is to sell their products at any cost. Even if they show good side, it’s another way of increasing their sales, e. g. TATA Tea’s jago re ad. I personally don’t get their ideology when on one hand, these soft drink brands sell toilet cleaners in the bottles and on another hand they claim they provide clean drinking water to certain villages. Oh, come on, we’ve got the piece called brain!